IT Services

Fact: Computing technology and the related services are complex. These topics are not intuitive to everyone. We understand that.

Multiplex Enterprises provides multiple IT related services. While our focus has been in education and training, we have over 20 years of experience providing various support services at all levels.

Traditionally, IT (Information Technology) has meant computers and laptops. In recent years there has been an expansion of coverage to include other devices such as tablets and smartphones. We consider the IT landscape to include:

  • Traditional “computers” of all sorts (desktops, laptops, servers, etc.)
  • Tablets, 2-in-1 devices, and thin clients.
  • Networking equipment (switches and routers).
  • Network attached devices (storage and printers).
  • Phones and other “smart” devices.

Multiplex Enterprises has supported all of these devices in enterprise environments. With that experience, we can help you to decide how to use them in your environment. Once a decision is reached, we can help you with training your staff with the way to use these services.

If you have any questions, reach out to us via our Contact form.

Computer Setup and Management

Your IT landscape needs to be configured properly for optimal use. Working with you to understand your needs, we can configure your devices to work together in a way that works for you.

Once your environment is setup, we can teach you to maintain it or we can provide that service for you.

Personalized IT Training

While the IT landscape has changed significantly over the years, most people stick with methods they are familiar with. Doing so may result in lost opportunities.

With our personalized training, we find out what you use your devices for, explore related services, and help you get up to speed on how to best use the tools you already own.

Technology Awareness

Everyone knows that you shouldn’t use the same password on multiple sites. But do you know what makes a good password to begin with? Have you been locked out of accounts because someone else got control and used it to send out SPAM or other malicious software?

Learning what the “bad guys” do to gain access is what our Technology Awareness seminars focus on. For those with a organization that they would like to have trained, we can tailor the seminars for a particular organization and bring everyone in for a face-to-face training session.

Cloud Administration

You may have heard of the cloud and with some services, you are probably using it. But if you have an office where you need to share documents and have your staff work cooperatively, having a cloud service working specifically for you can greatly enhance and secure your critical business needs.

If a cloud based service is the right choice for your business, we can help you get setup and train you to manage it yourself. If you would rather focus on your business, we can provide you with cloud management services based on a subscription model of service and support.

If you aren’t so sure that you want all your information “out in someone else’s cloud”, we can work with you to setup on on-premises cloud solution that is all under your control. If the option sounds good but the management part sounds bad, we can provide that type of support as well.

Website Development

While not our forte, we can help you get something setup and looking reasonable for most small businesses.